It's all Greek on me
Doric style and strict geometry. Simplicity and neutral colors that reflect contemporary aesthetics. At Its all Greek on me we create contemporary handbags and accessories that revive unique patterns and motifs of the Greek tradition.
We insist on using materials manufactured in Greece -canvas, burlap, felt, leather, silk - and techniques that follow the great Greek tradition. So we manage to produce unique creations inspired by needlework and embroidery of the so-called "Greek grandmother's dowry".
We aim to give a whole new life cycle to elements of the precious Greek folklore heritage that would otherwise remain hidden in drawers and maybe eventually disappear someday. The label started during the spring of 2014 after a small talk about... trunks and "dowries", those of our mothers and grandmothers filled with embroidery, traditional dresses, white linen etc, which would probably never come out one day, simply because modern women no longer use such things any more.